E-Voting Security

Electronic voting (e-voting) systems are designed to improve the accessibility and efficiency of traditional elections. However, ensuring correctness, ballot privacy, verifiability, and coercion resistance pose significant challenges, especially in online settings. While cryptographic e-voting systems such as Helios are being deployed in the field, there are still unresolved issues. The balance between efficiency and security remains an active area of research.

Hybrid-Voting: A Hybrid Structured Electronic Voting System

The Hybrid-Voting system combines an untrusted centralized server with smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to achieves both verifiability and efficiency. The central server handles tasks like voter identity verification, while the smart contract on blockchain ensures secure and transparent voting. Notably, voter privacy is maintained through cryptographic techniques. The evaluation shows that Hybrid-Voting can support 10k voters by using one commodity computer, and the cost per voter is much less than the cost per voter in today’s elections.


  1. Hybrid-Voting:A Hybrid Structured Electronic Voting System. P.-L.Wang, S.-H.Yang, and H.-C. Hsiao In the Poster Track of The Web Conference (TheWebConf), April 2020.